Monday, September 10, 2012

Annual Delaware River Tubing

So we made it.  We barely made it but we made.  We were down the Gages and Parker this year, but the Kembles, the Smiths and Rowan and I finally got on the river for our annual float.

We had already postponed once because of the forecasted weather only to have it turn out to have been a perfect day and we should have gone.  All other weekends someone was busy or away so that left us with this past Saturday.  The forecast was not good.  But we had been down that road before.  Gages did not want to chance it and Parker was staying home with Lily.  Kembles insisted they were going so the rest of us all went. And when I say we barely made it I mean it.  We got to the river around 1230 and decided to do a 2 hour run instead of the 4 hour one just so we could be ahead of the weather.  The float ended up taking 3 1/2 hours because the wind was blowing the wrong way making getting any headway difficult in some places.  We also decided this year to stop at the river hot dog guy which we had never done before and that took another half hour.  We got off the river finally at 350pm and at 400 the heavens opened in grand monsoon fashion.  Made it home safely though and showered and reassembled at the Kembles for pizza.  All in all, a good day actually and we all got sunburns - before the rains came of course!

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