Monday, November 1, 2010

A Spooktacular Weekend

At first glance Halloween on a Sunday sounds like a bummer.  Wrong!  Just means that for the two nights before Sunday there are all kinds of fun things to do!

The weather took a turn for the chilly but that just made it feel more like Autumn and Halloween.

Friday we took half days from work and took Rowan out of school early with McKenzie - the girls, Tina, Maddie and I went for lunch at Friendly's then back to Crooked Billet so they could join the afternoon kindergarten class and march in the Halloween Parade.  One problem - it started to rain so they held the parade indoors in the gym - not a whole lot of room in there but it got the job done!

From there we went to Kindercare to watch Lily march in her parade - While we were waiting Rowan and McKenzie (who wanted to come with us) played with Jack.  Once the parade started we all took bets on how Lily would react - she came out with the biggest smile on her face - held hands and marched nicely with her whole class, ran to us when she was close enough and the rejoined her class and went back inside to wait for us to come get her!  Are you kidding me???  So different from Rowan who would leave the parade and not go back!

From there, Joe and Diane were with us, we went to Valley Square for an early-ish dinner at Ted's - unbeknownst to us Valley Square was hosting a Halloween event for kids that night.  As we ate dinner we watched a horse drawn wagon go by - enough said, according to the kids we HAD to go and find that and go for a ride - so we did!  And the kids also got to go trick or treating at most of the stores in the complex.  An unexpected treat that made for a pretty fun night that was originally just an early dinner!

Saturday we ran some errands, went to the gym and got last minute stuff for the party the next day.  Kenzie came over around 5, we had pizza for dinner and then it was movie/drive in night on the driveway on Belmar Road.  That screen Fred built for last weekends party got rolled to our shared driveway, vans and suv's got backed into the driveway and boom - tv and movies in the driveway!  It was pretty cold out though and Rowan and McKenzie were bored so they went inside and watched their own things.  The adults all picked "Pet Semetary" to watch - lucky for me the girls wanted someone inside with them so I got to skip the scary movie but by all accounts a fun time was had by all.  A sleep over for the girls and out for breakfast and then preparations for the pre-trick or treating event at our house.

I asked the neighbours and Angela and Enaiya if they wanted to get together for a fun food for the kids and bring something for the adults party before trick or treating so all the kids could go together.  I think it went pretty good, lots of good food, fun things for the kids and no rain this year for trick or treating!

After eating and decorating cupcakes we all headed out like a gang/army for an hour of trick or treating - Lily was so great trying to keep up with all the big kids - she hit about every 3rd house in our attempt to keep her with the pack.  She made it around two streets though and then she was done - the older kids went around the 3rd street and then we all called it a night.  Warm showers and a couple of candies later the kids were all tucked in, the house was cleaned up and another Halloween was in the books.

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