Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Festivities 2012

So Halloween went off without a hitch even with Hurricane Sandy ruining it for some neighbourhoods.  We had plenty or preamble leading up to Halloween as well starting with the annual Skeleton Skurry at the YMCA.  We did the family walk that was 1 mile and ended with a treat trail where the kids could participate in various exercises to earn prizes and a couple of healthy snacks.  We even made the local paper with our matching costumes!

That night we went to the Kembles for their annual family Halloween get together with neighbours and friends.  Good food, good drinks, good times!

The next day, Sunday the 28th, Murphi had her annual party for the kids in the neighbourhood.  They all got in costumes, ate fun food, decorated pumpkins and played games.  My girls love this party.

 Monday the Hurricane hit.  We were trapped in the house for two days.  Parker, Rowan and I were out of work/school for three days total.  While we were out we got Rowan's pumpkin decorated for the pumpkin decorating contest done and we got her turkey decorated for Thanksgiving.  The pumpkin did not win unfortunately but Rowan's friend Olivia did! The turkey was due on Friday so we don't know how that went yet.

 Wednesday we were all still home from work and school but Lily's daycare was open so we took her over in the afternoon to participate in the annual parade and party.

That night was Halloween and while many areas had postponed until the coming weekend Hatboro was a go so off we went!  We had a great turnout in the area and the kids had a great time.

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