Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So it happened - today was Rowan's first day at Kindergarten.  All  4 of us got in the car this morning and took Lily to daycare first so Parker and I could take Rowan together.  We got to her school and went to the door we thought we were supposed to go to only to find it was locked!  We walked around to the front office and met the principal who called someone down to get us - only to learn we went to the wrong door!  How embarrassing!  Poor Rowan, just what she needs on her first day - two lost parents.  Anyway, we learned where to drop her off and no sooner had we gotten there then Ashley and Murphi showed up.  Later Johnny brought little Johnny and McKenzie and there were nothing but smiles all around - at least in the pictures I was sent anyway!

So I go work for a couple of hours, take the afternoon off and leave early to pick up Rowan so I can hear all about her first day.  I get to the after care program school and cannot figure out how to get in.  Luckily someone was coming out a locked door so I slipped in and looked around at all the kids where I thought Rowan would be and she was not there...mild panic set it until I recognized someone from one of the orientation meetings and she gave me some directions - the kids were outside playing - just like when I picked up from daycare except this time I did not know everyone but to find Rowan I had to look no further than Eniaya.  They meet up every afternoon in the program and will spend this year together.

I tried to get some information out of Rowan on the drive home and while we were at home.  She was not forthcoming with lots of information.  I did get that she sat beside McKenzie in class and calmed McKenzie down when she started to cry in class.  She sat on the bus with Olivia to get to the cares program and Jack is at her table there.  I guess that is a start - maybe tomorrow I will start to be told what she learned!

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