Cue to 5 days later when we have a follow up visit at the pediatrician to get her eye checked, make sure it is healing well....Parker is already with Lily at her school for their Thanksgiving feast and I am at Rowan's school for her feast. I had walked to Rowan's school and Lily and Parker got done early so they came and picked me up. We get to the doc and I hug Lily and note she feels warm. We get in to see the doc and she has a fever of 102.1. Oy vey. They start asking if she has been sick, just a cough for a couple of days, runny nose, typical cold I say. They listen to her lungs. Can't hear them through the wheezing she is apparently doing. Put her on a pulse ox meter - only 91, supposed to be 95 - this causes mild panic at the pedes who then give her a nebulizer breathing treatment...pulse ox does not change - they do a second one and then give her a drink of prednisone change...they say will do a third but if pulse ox does not come back up to 95 we are going to the ER...What?!?!?! We came for the eye! Third treatment - by now Lily is shaking from all the change...sorry, we will call ahead, you need to go to the ER. Oh. My. God. Do you know how much my co-pay is??? We were just there!!! Off we go - Rowan is with Kenzie and the Kembles so we don't have to worry about her. We get to the ER - they were expecting us - they hook Lily up to a pulse ox meter on her toe - 95 - I want to die and go home. They insist on keeping her and monitoring her...pulse ox starts dipping...down comes a pulmonary guy who hooks her up to yet another nebulizer treatment that lasts for an hour, then we get a chest x-ray to check for pneumonia.
No pneumonia. One good thing. After treatment pulse ox starts dipping again but not past 93/94 consistently. A pede from CHOP comes by (children's hospital of philadelphia) does not like the way Lily is retracting while breathing. Insists we stay for more monitoring, may admit Lily for round the clock neb treatments. We came for the eye!!! Finally we are allowed to go home with a prescription for prednisone and orders to follow up at the pede in two days. Saturday Parker takes Lily to the pede where they put her on an antibiotic for a sinus infection, say she still has the wheeze but to finish the prednisone syrup and come back on Tuesday. Tuesday we go back, still a slight wheeze but finally, the eye gets looked at!! and gets pronounced healing fine. And we leave with an inhaler to be used as needed. Sighs..
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