Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend 2012

Every year I make grand plans for all the things I am going to accomplish on the extra long weekend and every year fun takes over and not a lot gets done except smiles and suntans.  I'll trade those for work any day.

I took Friday afternoon off and took the girls out of school and we went up to visit Joe and Diane.  Joe is coming along in his recovery from knee replacement surgery.  We told all the teachers at each school that we were going to visit Pop Pop and his new knee.

When we got home we were surprised to see Parker had beaten us home as he got out early that day as well.  Remember the Kids Bowl Free program I signed up for?  Off we went!  It was a hoot.  The girls had a great time and Parker and I realized that real bowling is not as easy as bowling on the Wii.

Saturday the girls had gymnastics in the morning that Parker took them to while I got some stuff done around the house including putting groceries away.  Then the magic began - the pool opened at noon!!  We were 6th in line to get in.  The weather was hot and the water was not bad at all - off we went.  We were slowly joined by a good group of friends including the Summers, the Barbors, the Settelens, and the  Zollers.  The best part of the day?  Rowan earned her deep end pass on the first try in the first group of kids to get tested this season!

 Rowan doing the final part of the test - treading water for two minutes!
 Hatboro's newest deep end band member!
 First thing she did with her new band?  Down the slide of course!

While we were at the pool Parker and Fred worked on putting up a new fence/gate for us that matches the Gages and is a lot cleaner looking - it turned out great and looked fabulous.  Looked.  Jazz and her ginormous self busted right through it last night taking out all the slats - sighs - Fred said he would get some stuff to fix it tonight.

Saturday night was the annual neighbourhood potluck at Tina's house.  No movie for the kids this year but I don't think they even missed it for all the playing they all did.  Rowan spent the night sleeping over as well.

Sunday - big day!  Hatboro carnival is in town again right now and we made plans to meet up with a few families to attend the ride for one price day and then head to the Summers for a BBQ with the same friends. Let me just say - the carnival on a sunny HOT afternoon is both fun and exhausting!

We went home from the carnival, showered to freshen up and cool off and headed back to the Summers place for a BBQ.  It was a really fun night, a different group of friends (from the usual neighbours) to hang out with and Lily's best friends Grace and Megan were there making all right with the world in her eyes.  There was also a giant water ball that was a hit with all the kids!

 The Summers also do the outdoor movie thing and it was a huge it with this group of kids who were held in rapt attention the entire time!

Monday - final day of the long weekend - hottest day yet - back to the pool of course!  Took the underwater camera this time and Enaiya was there and the Kembles came as well.  A great way to end the weekend.

And last but not least - and she can do it on paper as well but prefers to play on the iPads (insert eye roll here) Lily has learned to write her name!!  There may be hope for her after all!  *haha*

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mother's Day, Daisies, Butterflies and Soccer

Lots to catch up on again!  Mother's Day was last weekend and I went to Lily's school on the Friday before so be served lemonade and cookies by her - truth is she ate two cookies and drank all my lemonade!  I took her home with me that day however and we went for lunch and spent the afternoon together so that was nice.

 Sunday was actually Mother's Day and I awoke to the annual gift pickings from the Dollar Store from both girls.  My favorite was the "over the hill" necklace that Lily had a hand in.

The day we spent at the ballpark for our second Phillies game this year.  We are 2-0 when we attend!

Our Daisy meeting this week was a field trip to Build A Bear which each girl got to pick their own bear and outfit for free because of the great cookie selling they all did this year.  To say they all had a good time would be an understatement  - it was the first field trip we did that had 100% participation!

Remember the caterpillars we were raising into butterflies?  They all cocooned and became butterflies!  We released them yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday was both soccer day for Lily and Little League day at the complex up the street.  I also had farm orientation at Pennypack for the crop share we bought this year.  After the farm orientation I ran up the ballpark and got 10 raffle tickets and threw them into the bags for 10 different baskets then we headed to Lily's soccer game.  Her coach and 3 out of 8 players were not there because of little league committments so Gary Summer and Parker stepped up and coached as best they could!

When Lily wasn't doing this on the field:
she actually got into a breakaway and almost scored her first goal - almost - the despair at missing and watching the game continue on around her could not be more evident ...

We got home and were relaxing fnally when my phone started going crazy - those raffle tickets I bought?  I won a basket again this year!  And it was a doozy - for the one dollar I put into the chance I won $185 in gift cards!  Not a bad deal at all.