So this past Saturday was Kentucky Derby day and the "run for the roses". For some reason we had a party. Well not for some reason, the idea got tossed out there and then next thing I know all the women in our neighbourhood are making Derby hats, men are looking for ascots to wear and everyone is planning what food to bring. We even made mint juleps....disgusting to be honest but at least we tried them! Kelly and Parker even went to the track on Friday night to place everyone's bet - none of us won but it was fun to do!
We lined our new retaining wall with racing horses. *haha*
The food spread was massive - this was before the grilling even came out!
Cake - that we had personalized
Melinda made cookies shaped like horses!
Al trying on Murphi's hat
My hat - the dollar store and a glue gun can do wonders!
The boys in their ascots - Kelly kept his on all day, Parker's did not survive a soaking by the kids outside
Parker made a horseshoe of roses for the winner but none of us won!
Lily in her little hat that she would not wear unless we are all wearing our hats
The kids gave up on their hats and headed for the cool of the hose, sprinkler and squirt crayons
The little girls in their hats
All the gorgeous ladies in their Derby hats.
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