Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sleep - what's that?

I knew it was too good to last. For 12 weeks I worked part-time to extend the amount of maternity leave I could take - for 12 weeks Lily slept through the night every single night. I have been back at work full time for a week now and she has been up in the middle of night every single night since then, sometimes twice a night! So not fair. Now granted there are extenuating circumstances at the moment but I am afraid now a new pattern is being set and she will think she can continue to wake up in the middle of the night.
Wednesday night after dinner my stomach started hurting - I thought I ate too much dinner or there was too much garlic in it or something, Thursday I went to work and came home an hour later doubled over in stomach pains....4 days later and 13 pounds lighter I am finally able to eat normal food again - lovely eh? Lily started with it on Thursday and has continued to have spit up and poop issues since - that's where the middle of the night thing took a turn for the worse when she would wake up in a beyond filthy diaper. Last night however she kept everything in so I am hoping, praying, that means she is starting to feel better. I had to take her to the doctor last night for a recheck on her ear infection from 2 weeks ago. Her ears were perfectly clear but she did have some rumbling in her belly they said. She has gained 1lb6oz in two weeks and is now 15lbs4oz so I am not worried that she is not getting enough food or nutrition anyway!
Rowan and Parker thankfully do not seem to have gotten this bug, so far anyway. *fingers crossed*

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