Saturday, February 28, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This winter must end

And with it may all the sickness leave our house once and for all! Eeegads this winter has been horrible! I feel like I have had a cold since Nov and Rowan and Lily are not doing much better and for the first time in a long time Parker got a really bad cold this year as well.

Lily had a recheck at the doctor last night and she is on the mend but still needs to continue the neb treatments slowly winding them down over the next few days.

Joe, Pop Pop, went to daycare to surprise Rowan yesterday and take her out for the day and ended up taking her to the doctor for us where she was diagnosed with strep throat and so she is now on antibiotics. Lily was swabbed last night but she does not have it, thankfully!

Rowan and Parker are home today and Lily is at daycare and I am at work.

Please let winter end soon and bring on the fresh warm air with open windows!

On a different note - Lily is no longer in her infant car seat...*sighs* was just getting way too heavy for me to carry so we installed the convertible seat in both cars instead...and so ends my infant baby days :(

Monday, February 23, 2009

Who dunnit?

Really - which one looks guiltier?

May the Force Be With You

Poor Lily - I had to keep her home from school today and take her to the doctor - the girl cannot breathe practically, apparently she has something called bronchialitis (sp?) where the tubes in her lungs are infected, virally not bacterially, so she is now on nebulizer treatments to try and open up her airways for her :( She has a terrible cough to go with it and I am afraid of her getting RSV but apparently this bronchialitis is one step away from RSV so..great :( We go back on Wednesday night to be rechecked - no ear infection though so that is a good sign! Oh and she weighed in at 16lbs1oz - still not double her birth weight - still not on any solids yet.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lily 5 Months

Where does the time go??

Dora Dora Dora the Explorer

How's this for romantic? Parker and I spent Valentine's Day in Camden, NJ with Rowan at Dora the Explorer Live. I know you're jealous.

Dora the Explorer tickets - $115

Parking - $10

Pretzels, Cotton Candy, Popcorn and Drinks - $40

Souvenir Backpack - $25

Souvenir Boots doll - $15

Watching Rowan yell "Swiper no swiping" at the top of her lungs - Priceless

Dueling computers

Do you remember the Christmas Parker stepped on our laptop? We replaced that good laptop with a cheap one that every single day since then proved how cheap it was - we finally got so fed up with it, found a great deal on a much better one and bought it. Now we have two laptops - one that is great and one that is only really good for Rowan to use - the kid is going to be a computer genius one day.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Lilywho from Whoville

This is what happens when the ladies at daycare get bored and your baby has a little length to her hair...

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chuck E. Cheese

Well we went to Chuck E Cheese last night for pizza and games. Rowan and I went back in Dec for a birthday party and she loved it, loved it until the giant Chuck E Cheese came out to sing Happy Birthday that is - once we convinced her that he only came out for parties and we were just going to play and eat she was okay with it all. We are officially those parents now, going to Chuck E Cheese and all...*lol* was fun though!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why we have a Lab

Reasons #56,57,58 & 59

60 degrees in February

Well it snowed this past week and then yesterday and today it was 50 and then 60 degrees - by today the snow was all but melted. Yesterday there was still some around but that did not stop us from first going to Valley Forge and then since we told Rowan we were going to Valley Forge Park and there was no playground for her to play on (how do you explain that to a 3 1/2 year old?) we went to what she calls "The Mommy Playground" so she could play and run around. Like I said there was still some snow on the ground but it was warm so it was perfect snowman making snow - perfect that is if you actually know how to make a snowman, as a Canadian I am horribly embarrassed at our inability to make a decent snowman, I blame lack of snow and practice at this point. Today we went to what Rowan calls "The Daddy Playground" and while she and Parker played Lily and I walked the course around the park for about 45 minutes. It was just so stinking nice out this weekend I can't believe it is only February!
Valley Forge:
The Mommy Playground: Rowan loved pushing Lily in the swing..

Parker tries to teach Rowan the fine art of throwing a snowball...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So peaceful

It will end by morning but at 851pm this is what it looks like outside - it is so calm, so peaceful, so beautiful.

Sleep - what's that?

I knew it was too good to last. For 12 weeks I worked part-time to extend the amount of maternity leave I could take - for 12 weeks Lily slept through the night every single night. I have been back at work full time for a week now and she has been up in the middle of night every single night since then, sometimes twice a night! So not fair. Now granted there are extenuating circumstances at the moment but I am afraid now a new pattern is being set and she will think she can continue to wake up in the middle of the night.
Wednesday night after dinner my stomach started hurting - I thought I ate too much dinner or there was too much garlic in it or something, Thursday I went to work and came home an hour later doubled over in stomach pains....4 days later and 13 pounds lighter I am finally able to eat normal food again - lovely eh? Lily started with it on Thursday and has continued to have spit up and poop issues since - that's where the middle of the night thing took a turn for the worse when she would wake up in a beyond filthy diaper. Last night however she kept everything in so I am hoping, praying, that means she is starting to feel better. I had to take her to the doctor last night for a recheck on her ear infection from 2 weeks ago. Her ears were perfectly clear but she did have some rumbling in her belly they said. She has gained 1lb6oz in two weeks and is now 15lbs4oz so I am not worried that she is not getting enough food or nutrition anyway!
Rowan and Parker thankfully do not seem to have gotten this bug, so far anyway. *fingers crossed*