Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Killer Bees soccer game 2

After a week break Lily's soccer team was back at it this past Sunday.  It was nice and warm that day so the kids were all in shorts.  We apparently need to get Lily some black soccer shorts.  It was a rousing game with lots of running in a cluster and goals being scored all over the place, for the other team.  Still a good time though and a joy to watch.

Daisy Outing - Roller Skating

Not my idea.  My group trip is to go bowling.  Kellie wanted to go roller skating.  I suck at roller skating.  I gave it a try though and would have gotten the hang of it I think but poor Rowan could barely stand up on her skates and me trying to hold her up on skates was not working so I took mine off so I could walk around the rink with her and help her when needed.  She definitely improved as the morning went on and now wants to go back!

A lovely spring night

When we got the mulching done two weekends ago we also got a load of rocks delivered.  After lining the gardens with the rocks we used the rest to cover up what used to be the vegetable garden in the backyard.  We moved the chiminea down there and put some chairs around it.  It created a lovely area for Parker to enjoy an evening fire with Jazz.

After baseball comes T-Ball

Hatboro Little League's 2012 season officially opened on Friday night last week.  Rowan's team participated in opening ceremonies, as did all teams, and she had her first game on Saturday.  Her team is made up 5 first graders and the rest are kindergarten or younger (boys, who can start earlier than girls).  The size difference is, entertaining, to say the least!

Opening Night:

First game:

 Love this picture!  Sometimes you just have to lay down and take a break during the game

 Uhm....you were supposed to run home.  HAHA!

First Phillies Game of 2012

We bought a mini package of 3 games to the Phillies this year.  One step closer to season tickets - HAHA.  Our first game was last Thursday and it was Lily's first Phillies game ever.  The weather could have been a bit warmer but it was not too bad.  It was also dollar dog night so we knew we could ply the kids with hotdogs if they got rammy.  Surprisingly they both did great, Lily wanted to eat the whole time - just like Rowan did at her first game.  We made it until the top of the 8th when we decided maybe to head out to beat the crowd - that's when Rowan started crying because she did not want to leave until it was over!  Parker could not have been more proud!  And the Phillies won - something that does not usually happen when we go to a game!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012

Another busy 4 day weekend over Easter for us this year.  Rowan had to spend last Sunday-Thursday at Joe and Diane's because her school closed for the whole week.  We got her back on Thursday night though.  While she was away Lily and I went to family yoga by ourselves and I snapped this great picture of her strutting into yoga with her mat.

Jazz got one final play in with Fez before he and the Gages went down the shore for the weekend.  They play so well together even with such a huge size difference between them!

Friday the real work began before we could enjoy our weekend.  We had 3 yards of mulch delivered the day before and Friday was the day we laid it all out and redid the front garden.  In the middle of mulching I decided we needed some river rock as well to line the garden with so we called and had 2 yards of stone delivered that afternoon as well.  It was a long day outside for all of us but the work is now done for the season, aside from a few new plants after Mother's day and of course the endless weeding - we are done!  And we had so much left over we were able to give it to some neighbours so they could do their mulching as well!

Saturday after gymnastics and t-ball practice the girls wanted to go to the mall to visit with the Easter Bunny.  Lily was so excited and I was afraid she was going to clam up at the last minute but she surprised us and marched right up to him and got her picture taken.

And early dinner that afternoon and home to finally dye some Easter eggs!

Easter Sunday the girls were jonesing to wake up and find their eggs and presents.  The Bunny did not disappoint.

That afternoon we got our Easter finest on and headed to Sharon's for the annual family gathering and egg hunt.  The girls had a great time as usual and the egg hunt was a great success.

Next up - we are going to the Phillies game tonight - it will be Lily's first trip to the ballpark!  We planned it right though, it is also $1 hotdog night so if she hates sitting there she can at least be eating :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Soccer

Soccer Registration - $45
Size 10 soccer cleats - $20
XS Shin guards - $12
Pink soccer ball - $13

Watching Lily play soccer for the first time - Priceless.  With a capital P.

Her whole team is made up of kids from daycare with whom we are all friendly as parents as well.    From the opening play watching Lily and Grace stand on the center circle not sure what they are supposed to do while the game goes on around them, to watching Megan and Grace on the "bench" play paddy cake while waiting their turn to play again - it's going to be a great season :)