Monday, January 30, 2012

What happened to January??

Oh I know - it took me three weeks to post again!  Eegads!  Life has been busy.

So I shall use this post to update on all 5 of us!

Parker - keeping busy as always.  He takes Rowan to swimming on Monday nights and then works out a few times a week as well.  Wants to get rid of his Matrix but the timing never seems to be right.  Would like to get a Jeep again but with gas prices....ei yi yi.

Katrina - well in the category of "you have got to be kidding me" I have taken up both Zumba and something called Sh'Bam which is basically like Zumba with pop music not latin inspired.  AND - I am looooving them both!  I do Sh'Bam twice a week through the Y and Zumba once a week at a dance conservatory with a group of friends.  Seems silly to be doing the dance conservatory but the comraderie and hilarity that comes from a group dynamic are totally worth it!  The Y does offer Zumba as well and once their renovations are done I will probably do it there since I am already a member.

Rowan - cruising along in school and swimming and gymnastics.  In the few weeks since swimming has started she has greatly improved and is already signed up for the next session.  She is bound and determined to get that deep water band at Hatboro Pool this summer and she has a great shot at it the way she is going!  We finally had some measurable snow this year - the first since Halloween - and it lasted all of one day - but whatever, Rowan finally got to use the snow pants I bought ahead of time this year instead of scrambling to find some at the last minute - and that is why this will probably be the only snow we get this year.

Lily - ah, little Lily - crazy, stubborn and adorable all at the same time.  Daycare had it's annual Winter Gala a couple of weeks back.   Lily's class sang a song about gingerbread boys and girls and Jingle Bells - Lily stood there like a deer in headlights.  There were two perfomances so we watched both  - a slight improvement in the second one on Lily's part.  She is also still in swimming and gymnastics with her BFF Megan and is also improving in both areas and is signed up again for the next sessions in both as well.

Last but not least - Jazz - our "little" puppy is now 5 months old and 51 pounds.  51 pounds!!  We found a weight predictor online that estimated with her current growth rate she would be a 114 pound adult!  Yikes!  She is a good girl though and was spayed on the 19th of this month and has since recovered very nicely and is back to playing with her boyfriend Fez when it is not too cold out.

I guess that is it for now.  Our Daisy Troop is in full on cookie selling mode and they are doing great!  We have surpassed last years sales already and the sale just started on 1/19 and runs through 3/5.  We have some great trips planned for the girls that Kellie and I are both excited about!

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'll tumble for you

Gymnastics started on Saturday and both girls loved it, LOVED it.  We were so proud of Rowan - her class had started and we did not realize it so she just slid in at the back of the warmup and she was off and running all on her own.  She warmed up moved with her group and really did not miss a beat since the last time she was in gymnastics which has been a couple of years now.  Her class is an hour and she was sweating and pretty tired by the time it was over. 

Lily had some apprenhension at first but her friend Megan is in the same class which makes a huge difference I think because they can be there for each other instead of each needing their mom or dad. As soon as Lily's class finished warming up and moved around the gym away from where I was standing she never looked back.

This is going to be great for both of them I just know it!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello 2012

4 days in and we are off and running. We got all signed up at the Y last week and last night the girls started swim lessons for the first time. Rowan was the only one in her class which was great for her but bad for the future because they will cancel the class if no one else signs up and then we will have to find another one to put her in. She did great with the one on one though - learned how to float finally and was working on swimming properly with her arms. I was so proud of her!

Lily's class started 15 minutes after Rowan's and there were only two of them in the class so we run a cancellation risk there as well but for now the two got a lesson.  Lily did great, she swam circles around the other girl who was more afraid than anything.  Lily even got to drop a layer off her bubble because she did so well.  Hopefully the classes will sort themselves out and we won't miss a beat because from the feedback I got from the instructors both girls are primed to be great swimmers if we keep it all up!  Next up - they start gymnastics on Saturday morning!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goodbye 2011

So the Winter Classic was held in Philadelphia this year.  Tickets to the actual NHL game between the Flyers and the Rangers were outlandishly expensive but they also did a minor league game and an alumni game.  Parker got tickets to the later two and could not have been more excited.  Originally it was just him and Joe going to the alumni game on New Year's Eve but then at the last minute John Kemble threw his hat in to go as well leaving Tina and I do get the NYE celebration going on our own.  No biggie.  The kids played together all day after Tina and I went grocery shopping and bought, among other things, 10 pounds of crab legs - 10 pounds!  It was awesome :)  The boys got home around 6pm which was good because we were just starting the food cooking so we were all able to sit and enjoy together. 

The rest of the neighbours cam over around 9pm including Jill, Kelly and Ashley, Fred Sam and Murphi, Theresa, Darren and Michelle and Alexa, Tony and their boys Christian and Evan. We had a nice full group to ring in the New Year. We are ran outside whooping and blowing air horns and watching local fireworks on the street behind us. A terrific time was had by all and we are kind of hoping we have discovered a new ritual for New Year's Eve because our old one was in a bit of a rut.   The 8 bottles of wine we went through might have had something to do with that :)


Here's to you 2012 - onwards and upwards - we are coming, guns ablazing with huge anticipation for the future!