Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend 2011

It's funny how the softest towel in the world will feel like sandpaper scraping across your first sunburn of the season.  More on that later.

A glorious start to the summer season again this year.  They forecasted thunderstorms and rain but in the end we got nothing but sun, the occasional cloud and temps in in the 90s all three days.

Friday, Tina picked Rowan up from school at 1030 with McKenzie and they ran errands together.  I left work at 1130 and when I got home they were still not home.  When the girls did get home they changed into swimsuits as fast as they could and went in the Kembles pool.  I picked up Lily and hung out with Tina for a bit.  Parker went to the Iron Pigs game up in Lehigh and it was a fairly quiet night all around.

The next morning Parker gave the girls their souvenirs from the game the night before.

Saturday the Hatboro Pool opened for the season but we decided to wait to go until Sunday and Monday.  Saturday was the now annual neighbour pot luck and movie night.  Party was at Kembles this year and once again - into the pool went Rowan and McKenzie, where they stayed, all day long.  Lily joined them later as well.

That night was a group dinner affair and then the kids sat out under the stars watching Gnomeo and Juliet.

Sunday - POOL DAY!!  And for the second day of this season's opening the water was actually quite pleasant - maybe because it was so hot outside I don't know but it felt good to get in there and cool off!  Sunday it was me, Rowan and Lily and then Johnny came with little Johnny and McKenzie.   There til 4pm again and did I get some sun.  The problem I have learned is that while spray on sunblock goes on very easily it also does not spread nicely so if you miss a spot look out - I have a lovely burn all where my arms meet my shoulders and in various spot on my leg.  Fred told me I looked like I had been tye-dyed. HaHa.

After we left the pool Rowan went back in the pool at the Kembles (!) and then stayed for dinner and ended up sleeping over.  Thank god they did not sleep at our house because there were up at 5am apparently!  How they were not exhausted was beyond me. 

Sunday after the early wake up the same six of us were back at the Hatboro pool and this time were joined by Angela and Enaiya as well.

Poor Lily - she tried so hard but at 230 I had to call Parker to come and get her because she fell asleep on a lounge chair!

Stayed at the pool until 4pm again and then everyone came home and Rowan and McKenzie finally separated after having spent almost every minute of every hour of the weekend together.  We kept asking Rowan if she was tired and she kept denying it so we set about getting dinner ready and preparing for a return to normalcy.

Nope - she wasn't tired at all.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is it wrong to knock your kids teeth out?

Cause that's what I did - by accident of course.  Rowan had yet another loose tooth (number 5) that was wiggly but not really going anywhere yet - until last night.  She got out of the shower and I was drying her off and goofing around with the towel on her head to dry her hair and she pulled back just as I pulled down and her mouth was open and boom - dislodged the tooth for good.  Ugh.  Bleeding pretty good but still stuck in there - NOT my thing - I sent her to Parker who after about 15 minutes calmed Rowan down enough to discuss getting the tooth out for good.  I went on a hunt for the tooth fairy box to make myself useful.  The fifty cents she woke to made it all worth it though.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gardens and Bedrooms

Wow two posts in two days - a record lately!

This past weekend we finally got our veggie garden planted and did a couple new flowers out front and scattered the herbs in the front gardens this year as well.

We have all kinds of fun things growing - cherry tomatoes, supersonic tomatoes, yellow squash, zucchinni, cucumbers and green beans.  Then our herbs are sage, rosemary, cilantro, thyme, basil and lavendar.   Yum.  Can't wait for it all to start growing!

Finally, for now, I wrote earlier about how we were moving the girls from downstairs to upstairs - we have gotten about half of it done so far.  It is taking longer than we thought and there is still more to go but for now you can get an idea of how it is shaping up.  They do stay up there and sleep all night - thankfully.  Occasionally they come down, and Lily has fallen out of her new bed (Rowan's old one) a couple of times but she is getting the hang of it :)

Will post more when we get more of it done.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Derbys and Dances

Lots to catch up on!

Rowan had strep throat again and I think I caught it as well.  The QVC Beauty Bash was held again this year - I was lucky enough to get tickets - but I was so sick I could not enjoy it :(   I made it but came home and went right to bed and stayed there for about 30 hours.  All is better now though, thankfully because 6 days later we held our 2nd annual Kentucky Derby party.  It must have been "old hat" by now - pardon the expression - because we did not get very many good pictures at all and forgot to take a group picture of the ladies and their hats. It also rained this year so that put a damper on the outside fun - boy I am full of puns this morning.  Bigger turnout this year though so seems we may have started a tradition here that needs to be upheld.  The other tradition we managed to maintain again this year was nobody winning a dime from their bets.  All part of the fun though. 

Last Friday, the 13th, Rowan's school held its annual Father/Daughter Dance.  All the girls in our neighbourhood put on their Sunday best and went with their Dads.  So very, very cute.  Thanks to Tina thinking of it Rowan and McKenzie got matching wrist corsages for the event as well.

The next day Rowan and I attended Angela's baby shower for her soon to be baby boy.  Did I take any pictures of Angela and her cute baby bump?  Of course not - but I did get Rowan being goofy and Enaiya trying to take a serious picture.

Next up - my newest favourite picture of the world's biggest hams - this is why I am late for work almost every day - because instead of getting ready I have the two biggest goofballs for kids.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Crooked Billet Day

The Battle of Crooked Billet took place May 1, 1778 when American Patriots under the command of General John Lacey were attacked in the early morning hours by the British Redcoats, led by Lieutenant Colonel Ambercromby. The American troops had stopped on what is now school land to rest during their journey to deliver fresh food to troops at Valley Forge. Each year, students and staff dress in colonial attire and welcome our community partners to join in celebrating our schools rich history.