Sunday, March 27, 2011

Look out Baseball Hall of Fame

In an ironic twist of fate Parker and his Dad went to the Baseball Hall of Fame this weekend in Cooperstown and Rowan had her first ever T-Ball practice. It was like present meeting future. Or close enough. Haha. Diane came down to stay with Lily for me so I could take Rowan up the street to the field. She had an hour practice and did pretty good for her first time. By the end of the hour she knew how to throw to first base and got to bat 4 times and learn to run after hitting the ball. It was fun and she said she really enjoyed it and is looking forward to the next practice.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Supermoon, Scooby Doo and Looney Tunes

First day of spring was 4 days ago - you wouldn't know it today, snowing, flurries really and last night a pounding of sleet that was pretty impressive to listen to.

That aside it was 80 degrees last Friday and about 70 the day before. Which worked out nicely because Lily got sent home from daycare again for having impetigo again. Went to the pede, got some cream and then enjoyed the weather as best we could. That involved going for a walk around the neighbourhood that McKenzie decided to join us on. Someone had ducks on their lawn - we spent about 20 minutes there.

Friday was McKenzie's 6th birthday and as soon as we got home from work/school that day Murphi asked if she could take Rowan because they were playing dress up and putting makeup on to glamourize McKenzie for her birthday. At least an hour later, you know how long girls take to get ready, out came the four divas.

Saturday night we had something called a near supermoon - apparently the moon, a full moon that is, was the closest to the earth in 28 years or something. We took pictures - it was pretty big and bright, had a nice clear night to see it - too bad the pics did not turn out great.

Last but not least Parker found Looney Tunes on the Cartoon Network in the morning. This morning I watched him and Lily watching it - Lily was laughing outloud and Parker had such a huge grin on his face - it was awesome. Later both girls wanted to watch Scooby Doo before leaving for school - Rowan got scared, I sooo remember being scared watching it when I was younger too, it was cute. Lily informed me she not scared at all - her breakfast remainded untouched however :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day

Top of the morning to ya

So the kids have pillow pets and love them - they are kind of neat, I wanted one too - I held off and ended up with the coolest one of them all!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan 2011

Wow.  Once again this year can use all our help with a donation to help those in Japan affected by the major earthquake and devastating tsunami that hit on 3/11/11.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hmm..I don't know what to call this post

Yeah - not a great title but really this is just a quick update and some pics.

Rowan is still in Daisys and loving it - she sold 33 boxes of cookies so we were proud of that.  The last three meetings have been outings to the Hatboro Library, the Horsham Police Department and the Hatboro Fire Company.

Tina drove to the Library so I missed that one but here are a couple of pics at the Police Dept:

And the a few from the fire house:

It was Dr Seuss' birthday on 3/2 so the kids wore their finest to each of their schools:

And last but not least - Lily moved up a room in daycare - she is now in the potty training room!  She seems too young to me to be there but they say no, she is ready - soooo, she is there, wearing pullups during the day now and all.  I may think she is too young but if she is potty trained before we go to Disney this will be the greatest thing that has ever happened!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

ER Visit #3

I guess we should consider ourselves lucky - two kids, only 3 visits to the ER, however all have been for Rowan and we have not made a visit in 5 years but yesterday morning there we were again.

Rowan woke up fine and then started complaining that her stomach hurt - alot - on the floor in the fetal position pain. Slightly alarming. We called the pede and when they called back they asked her to put her arms over her head and jump up and down. Okay, does that hurt - yes. Please take her to the ER. Ack!

We were able to drop Lily off at the neighbours - thank God - and then Parker, Rowan and I set out for the ER. They came in, poked her belly, prodded it - treated her like bread dough - not tender, not swollen, no appendicitis - PHEW.

Xray of her belly showed - massive stool back up in her intestines - yep, she is constipated. That's it....ugh. Miralax doses every day should clear up the problem.

You know that expression you are full of shit? It exists for a reason :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tattoo You

So Parker and I finally got new tattoos. I completed the ring on my right ankle by getting Lily's birth sign and a paw print for Zoey.
Parker got the Philllies logo - he said years ago that the next team to win the championship he would get a tattoo if so 2 1/2 years later he finally got the Phillies done.

Weather here has been lovely for about a week now. All the snow is gone and it went to close to 65 degrees this past Saturday and Sunday. We took the girls to the park for the first time this year and they had a blast - so much so that they were sound asleep by 8pm that night!

Rowan is discovering music more and more and has developed an infatuation with - you guessed it - Justin Bieber (cue the screaming now) She dances around singing "Baby Baby" to her hearts content - she even drags Lily into her madness. It just makes Parker and I smile and laugh, inwardly.