Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Where do I even start???

The award for bad blogger in 2011 goes to.....drum roll  Life has taken over my free time on a very regular basis and I am actually working at work - there is no time to blog!  But here I am, 830pm on a Tuesday, kids in bed, Parker watching hockey and me with nothing but time on my hands.  Best to take advantage of that!

So let's see - where to start.  No major snow storms in a couple of weeks now, snow is starting to melt in fact and when it reaches 60 degrees by the end of this week there may not be a lot of snow left after that at all.

Rowan is continuing to do well in school.  She got a "report card" last week.  It's not really a report card so much as a progress report but out of a possible 3 in each category she got all 3's!  We were very pleased.
She also continues as a Daisy and is currently going through her first cookie sale!  I must say she did pretty good - we sold 33 boxes and she only needed to sell 12 to get a badge so I think we are good to stop :)

Lily is developing more and more personaility wise and she is by far the most outgoing one and the most fearless.  She is also progressing age wise nicely and in fact, for the first time, peed on the potty tonight!!

Last but not least - we surprised the girls a few weeks ago after Rowan had to come to work with me because of a snow delay and we promised her a surprise if she was good all day.

We're going to Disney World!  Whoo-hoo!!!!!!!  Not until the end of August this year when we are sure it will be ungodly hot there but we got a free dining plan and used the points on my credit card so it was hard to pass up.  Plus for some reason the girls had been asking when we were going for a few months so as much as I wanted to give them this as a gift at Christmas (hence the packaging) Parker convinced me to wait.  So wait we did and avoided their questions until the time seemed right and now they know and we are all very excited and cannot wait to go!