Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snowed In

Well not completely but enough that the girls and I have the day off and it is 841am and Parker and Fred are still working on clearing the driveway.  A perfect time for me to catch up.  27 days into the  New Year and this is only my second entry!  Gasp.

So let's see - what has gone on in the past 3 weeks...

First Lily had her Kindercare Winter Gala 2011 a few weeks back.  Her class came out and said a poem called "Winter Sun" - it was of course, very cute.

Rowan attended her second Daisy meeting where we got cookies to sell!  She does not have to go door to door or to the supermarket or anything - just sell to friends and family, and she will earn her first badge!  So exciting.  We got 24 boxes to sell and are down to 3!  I should get the badge not her :)

We also signed Rowan up for T-Ball for the coming Spring.  So far we have just paid but do not know too many other details.  There will be a "draft" in March when she will be assigned to a team and we will get more information then.

And now the snow.  We have had a few nuisance storms all winter so far.  Nothing major, only one snow day prior to today and that day turned out to have been a waste of time.  Today however - we got a good storm, I am hearing 17-18 inches - whatever it was it was alot and thank goodness for neighbours with snow blowers.

Parker will have to get into work eventually - the girls and I will stay home.  There is an open bounce time this afternoon at Bounce U - we may check that out if the conditions look better by then.

Last but not least Rowan lost her 3rd tooth this morning.  This one was a front tooth - she looks like a hockey player - but a cute one!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to 2011

2011 - wow.

We spent New Years Eve as we always do, with Paul and JoAnn.  Had our usual filet mignons and crab legs and rang in the new year with as much gusto as we could muster.

This year we had help again from Rowan but also from Lily! She put herself down for a nap in Rowan's bed around 6pm and slept for a couple of hours - just enough time to get really cranky around 11:50pm but she hung on, Rowan and Parker went outside to bang pots and pans and they were both in bed by 12:15am.  The best part - they both slept until 9:30am the next morning!  Whoo-Hoo!

So here we are, 10 days into the new year and already a couple of big things have happened:

First, Rowan joined Daisys at Crooked Billet.  I had never heard of Daisys before but they are a precursor to Brownies which leads to Girl Scouts.  Alot of girls from her class are in it and so Rowan and McKenzie decided to join as well.  They had their first meeting this past Thursday.  They don't have a full uniform like Brownies do but they wear a blue vest that holds their badges.  I did not know where to put all the badges so we just wore the vest for the first meeting.

Next big news.  Lily can officially get out of her crib now.  She has been doing it for the past week so this past Friday night we finally got the side rail off and the toddler side rail on.  The first night her and Rowan must have spent 2 hours giggling back and forth, coming out of the room, crawling into each others beds etc until they finally passed out.  Saturday night the same thing occurred but not for as long a time.  Last night again with the nonsense but this time I told Rowan to go to sleep since she has school today and Lily stayed in the living room for a bit.  Guess who was a giant cranky pants this morning as a result?  Hopefully tonight the novelty will have worn off.

Last but not least the Eagles made it into the playoffs again this year.  First game was yesterday.  Parker had been invited to go to the game by an old friend and he accepted so just the girls and I were home to watch the game and look for Daddy on TV.  We never saw Parker on tv, the Eagles played terribly and lost and Lily, well Lily didn't make it.  Too much partying the night before in her big girl bed.